
Supplemental Health Insurance

Individual or Family Health
Group Health Coverage

What is Supplemental Health Insurance?

Today due to increasing costs, many employers who provide group health insurance have been forced to rethink their company provided health insurance benefits. In order to keep affordable medical insurance benefits of some kind for their employees, companies have gone to different types of health plans, such as High Deductible Consumer Driven health plans. They may have eliminated certain health benefit packages that were formerly available such as dental insurance or vision coverage.

These types of changes have left many consumers with gaps in their health insurance coverage, and have created a market for supplemental health insurance. Supplemental health insurance may be available through your company’s benefits office. Healthcare insurance companies often will allow employees to enroll in these supplemental health insurance plans and have the premiums deducted from their payroll. Or you may need to shop for affordable supplemental health insurance products on your own. Either way supplemental health insurance products can be:

Check with your benefits advisor at work or your insurance broker to find affordable supplemental health insurance products that fit your individual needs.