Finding Affordable Health Insurance - The Value of an Agent

Individual or Family Health
Group Health Coverage

California Health Care Insurance

As we are seeing a new rise in consumerism in the healthcare field, many people are finding themselves in the market for private or individual health insurance for the first time. Indeed there are more and more great places for consumers to turn to learn about how to shop for affordable health insurance. Yet despite the increase accessibility to information about medical coverage, it may be more important now than ever before to work with a qualified and professional insurance agent.

An agent not only knows the industry, he or she has the unique ability to compare rates and benefits from multiple companies. The agent has access to information, and experiences that can not be matched when looking at the website of one or two companies, or working with a trade group or association that is "in bed with" a few recommended companies.

An agent can evaluate your needs as an individual and match you with the health coverage that is not only the most affordable medical insurance for you, but the right amount and type of health coverage for you and your family. Cheaper health insurance may not necessarily be the best health insurance under all circumstances; a qualified agent can help you navigate these waters.

If you have a pre-existing condition, or have been turned down for affordable health insurance when shopping on your own for any reason, an agent may be able to do for you what you could not do for yourself. Didier Moujaes, General Partner for, has over 20 years of experience in dealing with the nuances and competitiveness of the health insurance industry and the art of risk management, and yet with all of this underwriting savvy, he says he still learns something new every day. Says Didier, "The products and polices that are available to us on any given day may not even exist the next month. The difficulties that one can run into when only occasionally looking for affordable health insurance must be unimaginable." You can get a free health insurance quote or call Didier Moujaes or his business partner TJ Chalhoub at 1-800-889-1910

And remember if you think you are going to pay more for health insurance by working with an agent, think again. The health insurance policy premiums charged by an agent are no more than if you bought direct from that insurance carrier yourself. In fact they may very well be less because of the agent's ability to negotiate or customize policies in ways that you yourself cannot.